Articles under the 'Redis' tag

Analyzing Redis Bloom Filters and Their Applications in Detail

Analyzing Redis Bloom Filters and Their Applications in DetailWhat’s Bloom FilterA Bloom Filter is a clever probabilistic data structure proposed by Howard Bloom in 1970, designed to determine whether a certain element exists in a set. It can indicate with a certain probability whether something def ... More >>

Redis Master-Slave Replication Principle

1.IntroductionIn most cases, we use redis stand-alone service. In actual scenarios, single-node Redis is prone to risks. Since failover cannot be achieved, subsequent requests will be sent directly to the database. A large number of queries will cause the number of database connections to reach a pe ... More >>

Redis Big Key Problem: Causes, Impacts, and Solutions

1. What is the Redis big key problem?The Redis big key problem refers to a situation where a key in Redis has a value that consumes a significant amount of memory, leading to performance degradation, insufficient memory, data imbalance, and delayed master-slave synchronization, among other issues.Wh ... More >>

In-depth Understanding of Redis Data Structures - Dictionaries

A dictionary, also known as a symbolic table, associative array, or mapping, is an abstract data structure used to hold key-value pairs. In a dictionary, a key can be associated with a value, and these associated keys and values are called key-value pairs. The keys in a key-value pair are unique, a ... More >>

What problems are solved by the features of Redis?

First, let's look at what Redis is The official profile explains that Redis is a BSD-based open source project that is a storage system t ... More >>

Redis Persistence Explained

Redis is a high-performance key-value database that is widely used in projects, and every developer should master this skill. In today’s article, we’ll introduce Redis persistence in detail. As we all know, Redis is memory-based and reads and writes data from and to memory, but the data does not dis ... More >>

Three Invocation Patterns for Distributed Services

PrefaceRecently, we are doing a permission control function, one of the services is to freeze the user, the specific business logic is not necessarily appropriate to elaborate, so we will use the “elephant in the freezer” to abstract instead. The process is as follows: 1231. Open the refrigerator do ... More >>