Articles under the 'Database' tag

Using ShardingSphere for Sharding Databases and Tables

1. What is ShardingSphereShardingSphere is an open source distributed database middleware solution that provides database sharding, database replication, and distributed transaction support for various database management systems. It aims to help achieve horizontal scalability and data distribution ... More >>

Sub-Databases and Sub-Tables in Database Architecture

1. What is sub-database and sub-table? Table splitting: Split the data in one table into multiple tables according to certain rules, reduce lock granularity and index trees, and improve data query efficiency. Split database: Split the data in one database into multiple databases according to certain ... More >>

The latest MongoDB specification in 2023

prefaceMongoDB is a typical representative of non-relational databases. According to DB-Engines Ranking data, in recent years, MongoDB has always been the leader in the NoSQL field. MongoDB is a database system designed for the rapid development of Internet applications. Its data model and persisten ... More >>

Talking about database row and column storage

A good number of people first learn about databases as relational databases, where data is stored in tables, with one row representing one record. In fact, this is a typical Row-based store, which stores tables on disk partitions by rows. And some databases also support Column-based st ... More >>

Introduction to Database Management System

At present, the common database management systems mainly include Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, Mongodb, etc. Among these databases, the first three are relational databases, while Mongodb is a non-relational database. 1.OracleOracle is a relational database management system from Oracle Corporation. I ... More >>

The Data Design Pattern of Microservice Architecture

Recently, I participated in the research and development of a company project and found some minor issues in data management. Based on past experience, I have recorded the microservice data design pattern here. The services in the microservices architecture are loosely coupled and can be independent ... More >>