Articles under the 'Back End' tag

What problems are solved by the features of Redis?

First, let's look at what Redis is The official profile explains that Redis is a BSD-based open source project that is a storage system t ... More >>

Java flow limitation and common solutions

[Basic concepts of current limiting] [Common algorithms for current limiting schemes]  [Commonly Used Flow Limiting Schemes]  [Consider flow-limiting design from the architectural dimension]  ... More >>

Introduction to JIT, a new feature of PHP 8

PHP8 alpha1, about JIT is everyone's main concern, how it really works, what to pay attention to, and what is the performance improvement in the end? First, let's look at a graph: The left diagram is a diagram of Opcache process before PHP8, and the right diagram is a diag ... More >>

Three cross-domain solutions HttpClient, annotations, gateways

Annotation: @CrossOrigin Gateway Integration Httpclient Why is there a cross-domain problem Because of the browser's same-origin policy, cross-domains are created. For example, an asynchronous request is sent to two different sources, such as two d ... More >>

Design patterns commonly used in work - Flyweight Pattern

In general, it is not easy to have a lot of scenarios using design patterns for business development. Here is a summary of the more frequent use of design patterns in business development. Of course the language is Java, based on the Spring Framework. 1. Flyweight PatternIf there are a large numbe ... More >>