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Internet of Things: Bubble or Technology Revolution?

At that time there was a cartoon about several beggars in New York begging, people passing by from time to time to give them some coins. One of the clever beggar is different, he hung a sign on his chest, which simply wrote “.com”, and he received is actually a cash check after another. Burning mone ... More >>

Test the novice compass

Test the novice compassHello everyone, here is a brief introduction to what newcomers should do to improve their level in today’s testing industry. The overall test is divided into two directions: business and technology. talk about these two directions Do functional testing Test cases, this is an e ... More >>

Layoffs in silicon valley

layoffs in silicon valleyIn the world Internet market,Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and Apple are the four giants of the Internet,Just recently, Microsoft and Amazon have launched their own layoff plans,Google can’t hold back, In the middle of the night, it suddenly announced the layoff of 12,000 peopl ... More >>

How to Make Your Application Highly Cohesive and Lowly Coupled?

Preface I recently reviewed the company's code and found that the degree of code coupling is particularly high, modifying a place, unknowingly affect the other places, which made me think about how to make the code we write cohesive enough to reduce coupling? "Highly cohesive and loosely ... More >>

ChatGPT becomes a powerful tool for hackers to write malware!

Since the launch of ChatGPT, it has generated a lot of attention in tech circles, but there are also many researchers who are concerned that generative AI, while popularizing AI, will also popularize cybercrime. This fear is not without merit, and in some hacker forums, security researchers have obs ... More >>

From registers to user state and kernel state

Key words: register, ring0, ring3, kernel state, user state The register is an important part inside the CPU. The register is composed of N flip-flops inside, and each flip-flop can save 1 bit of binary number, so the 16-bit register can save 16 bits. CPU generally has multiple registe ... More >>

Web Performance Optimization - Performance Metrics

In the past, most tools only used loading performance as a web performance metric, but poor performance can happen at any time, not just during loading. Applications that don't respond quickly to clicks, don't scroll smoothly, or have stuttering animations can all lead to a poor experience. Users ca ... More >>

In-depth Understanding of Redis Data Structures - Dictionaries

A dictionary, also known as a symbolic table, associative array, or mapping, is an abstract data structure used to hold key-value pairs. In a dictionary, a key can be associated with a value, and these associated keys and values are called key-value pairs. The keys in a key-value pair are unique, a ... More >>

FluentD vs FluentBit - Which log collector to choose?

Tools like Fluentbit and Fluentd make log management more efficient by centralizing log data from multiple sources and providing the ability to monitor and analyze it all in one place. Log management is the practice of collecting, storing, analyzing, and monitoring log data from various ... More >>

DFS & BFS, the two most basic algorithms in the traversal method

DFS(Depth first search)The following is a concrete example to understand. As shown in the figure, in a nine-box diagram, the green position represents the starting position, the red position represents the end position, the gray area and the border of the box diagram represents this road is not avai ... More >>