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Front-end to get battery information

Today's positive energy: When strange needs are made more and more, it proves that your vision is also becoming broad. Product Manager: Add a requirement that if a user's computer device is running out of power, I have to warmly tell him it's time to plug it in. Front-end Atta ... More >>

Common Design Patterns and Their Applications

Design patterns are recurring solutions to common software design problems. They are generally considered to be the best practices for solving common software design challenges. In this article, we will introduce ten common design patterns and their applications. Chain of ResponsibilityThe Chain of ... More >>

Database introduction

1. Concept introductionThe database is a warehouse for storing data. It organizes, manages and stores data according to the data structure, and provides the functions of adding, deleting, modifying and checking. 2. database things(1) What is a database transactionTreat a group of additions, deletion ... More >>

Android implementation of screenshot function (already adapted to Android 11)

Background of the projectIn order to meet the needs of monitoring user screenshots and displaying the floating feedback portal, we conducted a simple survey on the user screenshot function on the Android side. Since the Android system does not provide APIs related to screen capture notifications, we ... More >>

Front End Frontier

As the Internet continues to grow and become more popular, front-end technologies are evolving to bring a better experience to users. 1.WebAssembly WebAssembly (abbreviated as WASM) is an emerging technology that allows you to run high-performance programming languages such as C++, Rust, etc. ... More >>

Using Netty, understand its connection idle handling

Connection Idle An idle network connection means that the current network connection is idle, i.e., there is no ongoing data transfer or communication activity. When one of our connections is no longer sending requests or receiving responses, that connection begins to be idle. The long ... More >>

Basic knowledge of meta in HTML

When writing a front-end page, the page structure is usually quickly generated by the editor. There is a meta tag in the page header. What does this tag do? In MDN he defines it like this: The <meta> HTML element represents metadata that cannot be represented by other HTML meta-related elemen ... More >>

Review the past and look forward to the future, and analyze the prospect of mobile development

Gartner’s Top Ten Strategic Technology TrendsOn October 19, 2022, Gartner, a global authoritative consulting agency, released ten strategic technology trends that enterprises need to explore in 2023, including: sustainable technology, meta universe, super application, adaptive AI, digital immune sys ... More >>

The latest MongoDB specification in 2023

prefaceMongoDB is a typical representative of non-relational databases. According to DB-Engines Ranking data, in recent years, MongoDB has always been the leader in the NoSQL field. MongoDB is a database system designed for the rapid development of Internet applications. Its data model and persisten ... More >>

What is an event loop in JavaScript ?

What is an event loop in JavaScript ?Synchronize and AsynchronousSynchronize:Execute in orderAsynchronous:Execute a part first, wait for the result and then execute the subsequent code 1、setTimeout 2、Ajax 3、IO After the synchronous program is executed, execute the asynchronous program Single Threa ... More >>