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Android Implements Screenshot Function

Background of the projectIn order to meet the needs of monitoring user screenshots and displaying the floating feedback portal, we conducted a simple survey on the user screenshot function on the Android side. Since the Android system does not provide APIs related to screen capture notifications, we ... More >>

Android Activity Components

Android Activity Components Introduction: One of the four major components of Android, the medium for interaction between App and users. Activity Lifecycle In general the movement through an activity’s lifecycle looks like this:1.onCreate() Called when the activity is first created. This is where ... More >>

SIP Protocol

1.Basics of SIP protocolSession Initiation Protocol is a signaling protocol that controls the initiation, modification, and termination of interactive multimedia sessions. It was defined in RFC 2543 by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force), which was first released in March 1999. Later, a new s ... More >>

Why Does ChatGPT Use SSE to Push Data

As we all know, there are many AI chat software on the market, most of which use SSE to push messages, and ChatGPT is no exception. Everyone knows that WebSocket can communicate in two directions, and naturally it can also push messages from the server to the client. SSE only pushes messages in one ... More >>


DefinitionAdapter is a structural design pattern that allows objects with incompatible interfaces to collaborate. ProblemImagine that you’re creating a stock market monitoring app. The app downloads the stock data from multiple sources in XML format and then displays nice-looking charts and diagram ... More >>

Using ShardingSphere for Sharding Databases and Tables

1. What is ShardingSphereShardingSphere is an open source distributed database middleware solution that provides database sharding, database replication, and distributed transaction support for various database management systems. It aims to help achieve horizontal scalability and data distribution ... More >>

Sub-Databases and Sub-Tables in Database Architecture

1. What is sub-database and sub-table? Table splitting: Split the data in one table into multiple tables according to certain rules, reduce lock granularity and index trees, and improve data query efficiency. Split database: Split the data in one database into multiple databases according to certain ... More >>

The Java HashMap Under the Hood

OverviewHashMap is a K/V key-value pair data structure with fast search and good insertion and deletion performance. It is implemented based on the Map interface of the hash table. It is one of the commonly used Java collections and is non-thread safe. Data StructureJDK1.7 The bottom layer uses ... More >>

MySQL Connection Ramble

In PHP and MySQL, there are different ways to manage database connections. These include short connections, long connections, and connection pooling. 1.Short connectionsShort connections refer to connecting to the database only when necessary and disconnecting immediately after the query is executed ... More >>

Introduction to Cross-Border Payment System Design

With increasing global trade and financial interactions, cross-border payment systems have become critical. Not only do these systems need to handle transactions between different countries and currencies, they must also address the various regulatory, currency conversion and security challenges inv ... More >>