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Redis BigKey and HotKey

1.1. Big KeyThe Redis big key problem is not actually a big Key problem, but the value corresponding to the Key is too large, so technically it is a Big Value problem, Redis value is too large (key value is too large). There is no unified standard for how large a value will cause a big key problem. ... More >>

Information leakage chaos prominent protection of information security requires concerted efforts of all parties

With the rapid development of technology, the Internet, the growing popularity of smart devices, the application of big data processing technology and cloud computing technology, the personal information data of ordinary users are more and more complete and collected by various information systems, ... More >>

What can QA do in a "de-QA" project?

For the first time, I saw the concept of “de-QA” in an article. At that time, I looked at it casually without paying more attention.The second time I saw more senior colleagues in the QA community group talking about “de-QA”. At that time, in my little head, I felt that “de-QA” is still a little dis ... More >>

Are you still using merge? Get to know rebase!

Preface Git plays a big role in managing the development branches of our development code. We usually have branches for production, pre-release, testing, and development. The normal process is development -> testing -> production, but there are usually many versions, there is a se ... More >>

How blockchain and big data work together

The combination of big data and blockchain can significantly improve the usability of each other, and these technologies can help create a hybrid infrastructure with big data and blockchain as the backbone. The infrastructure will be flexible for different application types, such as its parents - b ... More >>

Several common configurations and techniques of Nginx

Configure multiple domain names for one site. Configure multiple sites for one serviceseparated by spaces. Nginx adds account password verification. Nginx Open Column Directory. Configure default site. IP access is not allowed. ... More >>

IOS Platform Features

Devices using iOS share some commonalities that affect the experience of using their programs. Programs that adapt to these characteristics will be more successful, providing users with a superior experience with the device. 1.No matter the size, the screen is what mattersThe screen of an iOS device ... More >>

Several security-related configurations of Nginx

Here is a summary of some security-related configurations in nginx configuration. Hide version number123http { server_tokens off;} There are often security vulnerabilities targeting a certain version of nginx. Hiding the nginx version number has become one of the main security optimizati ... More >>

Front-end performance optimization - package volume compressed by 82%, package speed increased by 65%

Compressing the size of the packaged project and improving the packaging speed are very important links in the front-end performance optimization. I combine the practice summary in the work and sort out some conventional and effective performance optimization suggestions. Background of the project T ... More >>

Responsive Design

Simply put, apply different CSS styles to different screen resolutions. For example, on computers and Pad devices, if the screen is relatively wide, you can place two divs in a row. When it comes to the phone or when the Pad is held upright, only one Div is placed in a row. Here are two key points: ... More >>