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Towards anonymity, talk about the new authorized login for WeChat applets

In February 2021, the WeChat team made an interface adjustment for small program login and user information access, a move that unprecedentedly shook up almost all small program developers and generated a lot of reactions in the small program community. As an access party, this paper will discuss th ... More >>

Java flow limitation and common solutions

[Basic concepts of current limiting] [Common algorithms for current limiting schemes]  [Commonly Used Flow Limiting Schemes]  [Consider flow-limiting design from the architectural dimension]  ... More >>

Analysis of front-end variables to enhance var, let

Let's start with a question to warm up var a = 12, b = 13, c = 14; function fn(a) { console.log(a, b, c); var b = c = a = 20; console.log(a, b, b) } fn(a); console.log(a, b, c) What the answer is will not be published first, but first we need to kno ... More >>

There are security issues with code written this way !

JavaScript prototypes are known and used by many people, but many people use prototype inheritance in the security problems caused by few people know, next we will understand it well. In real development, we often use property accessors in our code and use user input parameters to access the ... More >>

An article to understand what is web3

web1.0 and web2.0Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 refer to the era in the history of the World Wide Web as it evolved through various technologies and formats. Web 1.0 refers roughly to the period from 1991 to 2004, when most Web sites consisted of static pages and the vast majority of users were consumers of co ... More >>

Introduction to JIT, a new feature of PHP 8

PHP8 alpha1, about JIT is everyone's main concern, how it really works, what to pay attention to, and what is the performance improvement in the end? First, let's look at a graph: The left diagram is a diagram of Opcache process before PHP8, and the right diagram is a diag ... More >>

Three cross-domain solutions HttpClient, annotations, gateways

Annotation: @CrossOrigin Gateway Integration Httpclient Why is there a cross-domain problem Because of the browser's same-origin policy, cross-domains are created. For example, an asynchronous request is sent to two different sources, such as two d ... More >>

Design patterns commonly used in work - Flyweight Pattern

In general, it is not easy to have a lot of scenarios using design patterns for business development. Here is a summary of the more frequent use of design patterns in business development. Of course the language is Java, based on the Spring Framework. 1. Flyweight PatternIf there are a large numbe ... More >>

Using DNS resolution to load balance websites

Limitations of traditional thinking How does the CDN work? The magical interpretation rights mechanism (SOA) The basic principles of DNS load balancing Summary ... More >>

Three Principles for Keeping Simple and Lightweight Design

Preface A software architecture that is light and simple is very important to allow us to meet business requirements at minimal cost. So how to ensure light and simple? Then today we share with you the secrets of this, that is, 3 important guiding principles, KISS principle, YAGNI principle ... More >>