Article Archives for `2023`

OPEN AI Learning

OPEN AIOfficial Site (Most Useful Tool) Start 1234567891011Install$ pip install openaiAPI Keyimport osimport openai# Load your API key from an environment variable or secret management serviceopenai.api_key = os ... More >>

Android YUV Frame Data Overlays Watermark

When we want to add a watermark to a video while recording it, there are two options: A. The video frame data is converted to Bitmap, watermark is drawn on bitmap, and then the watermarked Bitmap is converted to frame dataThis scheme can achieve watermark addition, although the use of RenderScript i ... More >>

MySQL Slow Query

What is SQL slow query?When we execute a sql, the database not only returns the execution result, but also returns the execution time of the sql. MySQL slow queries refer to queries whose execution time exceeds the threshold (the default value is 10 seconds). These slow queries will be recorded as s ... More >>

Android Implements Screenshot Function

Background of the projectIn order to meet the needs of monitoring user screenshots and displaying the floating feedback portal, we conducted a simple survey on the user screenshot function on the Android side. Since the Android system does not provide APIs related to screen capture notifications, we ... More >>

Android Activity Components

Android Activity Components Introduction: One of the four major components of Android, the medium for interaction between App and users. Activity Lifecycle In general the movement through an activity’s lifecycle looks like this:1.onCreate() Called when the activity is first created. This is where ... More >>

SIP Protocol

1.Basics of SIP protocolSession Initiation Protocol is a signaling protocol that controls the initiation, modification, and termination of interactive multimedia sessions. It was defined in RFC 2543 by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force), which was first released in March 1999. Later, a new s ... More >>

Why Does ChatGPT Use SSE to Push Data

As we all know, there are many AI chat software on the market, most of which use SSE to push messages, and ChatGPT is no exception. Everyone knows that WebSocket can communicate in two directions, and naturally it can also push messages from the server to the client. SSE only pushes messages in one ... More >>


DefinitionAdapter is a structural design pattern that allows objects with incompatible interfaces to collaborate. ProblemImagine that you’re creating a stock market monitoring app. The app downloads the stock data from multiple sources in XML format and then displays nice-looking charts and diagram ... More >>

Using ShardingSphere for Sharding Databases and Tables

1. What is ShardingSphereShardingSphere is an open source distributed database middleware solution that provides database sharding, database replication, and distributed transaction support for various database management systems. It aims to help achieve horizontal scalability and data distribution ... More >>

Sub-Databases and Sub-Tables in Database Architecture

1. What is sub-database and sub-table? Table splitting: Split the data in one table into multiple tables according to certain rules, reduce lock granularity and index trees, and improve data query efficiency. Split database: Split the data in one database into multiple databases according to certain ... More >>

The Java HashMap Under the Hood

OverviewHashMap is a K/V key-value pair data structure with fast search and good insertion and deletion performance. It is implemented based on the Map interface of the hash table. It is one of the commonly used Java collections and is non-thread safe. Data StructureJDK1.7 The bottom layer uses ... More >>

MySQL Connection Ramble

In PHP and MySQL, there are different ways to manage database connections. These include short connections, long connections, and connection pooling. 1.Short connectionsShort connections refer to connecting to the database only when necessary and disconnecting immediately after the query is executed ... More >>

Introduction to Cross-Border Payment System Design

With increasing global trade and financial interactions, cross-border payment systems have become critical. Not only do these systems need to handle transactions between different countries and currencies, they must also address the various regulatory, currency conversion and security challenges inv ... More >>

Android Fingerprint Recognition

General overviewAt the time of Android6.0 (Api23), the Android system added the api interface of fingerprint recognition, namely FingerprintManager, which defined the most basic fingerprint recognition interface. However, at the time of AndroidP (Api28), it was no longer officially recommended, and ... More >>

Understanding Kafka: A High-Level Overview

IntroductionApache Kafka is a distributed messaging system that has become an integral part of modern data processing pipelines. It is designed to handle real-time, high-throughput, and fault-tolerant data streaming. Kafka is widely used for ingesting, storing, and processing data in various applica ... More >>

A High Reliability Task Execution Framework Based on XXL-JOB

What is a Task Scheduling FrameworkIn many applications, some tasks need to be performed periodically, such as generating reports, backing up data, updating caches, and so on. These tasks usually need to be executed automatically within a specified time interval, and need to run stably and reliably, ... More >>

Understanding and Implementing Kotlin Coroutines

1. Concept of Kotlin CoroutinesKotlin Coroutines is a well-designed thread framework that uses threads at the underlying level. Coroutines can be understood as tasks executed on threads, and these tasks can switch between different threads. A single thread can run multiple coroutines, and coroutines ... More >>

A Brief Discussion on API Design and Its Security

When it comes to API design and security, there are two main issues that must be addressed. If not handled properly, they can pose significant threats to the security and performance of the server.Based on my experience, API design primarily needs to consider the following two aspects: Preventing m ... More >>

Intelligent Speech Technology

1.NLP(Natural Language Processing)Natural language processing is an important direction in the field of computer science and artificial intelligence. It studies theories and methods that enable effective communication between humans and computers in natural language. Natural language processing is a ... More >>

How to Quickly Perform Interface Testing Under Microservices

Generally speaking, development engineers have defined microservice interfaces in the early stage of development, and test engineers and development engineers start their own development tasks almost simultaneously. However, this harmonious work scenario is soon destroyed by the spider web-like micr ... More >>

Master These 16 Essential Coding Habits for Increased Efficiency

IntroductionThis article provides a comprehensive compilation of 16 essential coding practices that the author deems are indispensable for enhancing work efficiency 1. After modifying the code, remember to test it“Test the code after modification” is a basic requirement for every programmer. Don’t h ... More >>

Why Does MySQL Sometimes Choose the Wrong Index?

After the table is indexed, sql can select the right index when the amount of data is small, but when the amount of data becomes large, it cannot select the correct index. We analyze the reasons for mysql’s wrong index selection from the following aspects. Impact the execution of sql cost analysis A ... More >>

Mysql Online DDL

About Online DDLDDL(Data Definition Language), that is, the data definition language, including new table, table add fields, change fields and other operations.Large table DDL at will execute dozens of minutes, even a few hours, such a long time to lock the table for the business is obviously unacce ... More >>

CAP Theorem

The CAP theorem is a common criterion used by engineers to measure the design of distributed systems. The CAP theorem holds that a network-based data sharing system can only satisfy at most two of the three elements of data consistency, availability, and partition tolerance; during the system design ... More >>

Redis Big Key Problem: Causes, Impacts, and Solutions

1. What is the Redis big key problem?The Redis big key problem refers to a situation where a key in Redis has a value that consumes a significant amount of memory, leading to performance degradation, insufficient memory, data imbalance, and delayed master-slave synchronization, among other issues.Wh ... More >>

Android Custom Gradle Plugin Statistics Task Time-Consuming

1. forewordWhen we use Gradle to build tasks, we sometimes want to count the time consumption of each task, so as to find out the running time of each task and whether there is room for optimization. train of thought1.Custom Gradle plugins2.Use Listener to monitor3.Register Listener in custom Gradle ... More >>

How Is an SQL Query Statement Executed?

Overview of mysql infrastructureMySQL can be divided into two parts: the server layer and the storage engine layer. The Server layer includes connectors, query caches, analyzers, optimizers, executors, etc., including most of MySQL’s core service functions, as well as all built-in functions (such as ... More >>

KBGPT Knowledge Context Based Question Answering System

Yuncheng LiaoTechnology Center, Surfin Group AbstractThe emergence of large language models (LLMs) such as GPT, Llama, and BERT has led to the incredible accumulation of knowledge and natural language abilities. Practitioners from various fields are exploring the practical applications and scenarios ... More >>

What is cross-site scripting (XSS)

1.What is cross-site scripting (XSS)(1)conceptCross-site scripting (also known as XSS) is a web security vulnerability that allows an attacker to compromise the interactions that users have with a vulnerable application. It allows an attacker to circumvent the same origin policy, which is designed t ... More >>

What are WebSockets?

What are WebSockets?The WebSocket protocol was born in 2008 and became an international standard in 2011. All browsers already support it. WebSockets are a bi-directional, full duplex communications protocol initiated over HTTP. They are commonly used in modern web applications for streaming data an ... More >>

Unit test

Abstract: Unit testing is the basis of software testing. This article discusses in detail the two steps of unit testing, manual static inspection and dynamic execution, the work items to be executed and related strategies and methods.How to conduct unit testing with white box testing method, keyword ... More >>

Mechanism difference between ios and Android

1. ArchitectureiOS: cocoa Touch layer: including Foundation Framework, UIkit Framework, Address Book UI Framework Media layer: including image, audio, and video technologies Core service layer: For example, CoreFoundationframework is an interface set based on C language, providing Basic data ma ... More >>

Front-end JS basic knowledge point combing (a) the basic chapter

IntroductionI believe there are a lot of people like me are halfway front-end development, when it is to find a training institution to train a four or five months out to find a job, so the basic part of the front-end Js mastery is very weak, although the work is found, but in the daily work of many ... More >>

Front-end to get battery information

Today's positive energy: When strange needs are made more and more, it proves that your vision is also becoming broad. Product Manager: Add a requirement that if a user's computer device is running out of power, I have to warmly tell him it's time to plug it in. Front-end Atta ... More >>

Common Design Patterns and Their Applications

Design patterns are recurring solutions to common software design problems. They are generally considered to be the best practices for solving common software design challenges. In this article, we will introduce ten common design patterns and their applications. Chain of ResponsibilityThe Chain of ... More >>

Database introduction

1. Concept introductionThe database is a warehouse for storing data. It organizes, manages and stores data according to the data structure, and provides the functions of adding, deleting, modifying and checking. 2. database things(1) What is a database transactionTreat a group of additions, deletion ... More >>

Android implementation of screenshot function (already adapted to Android 11)

Background of the projectIn order to meet the needs of monitoring user screenshots and displaying the floating feedback portal, we conducted a simple survey on the user screenshot function on the Android side. Since the Android system does not provide APIs related to screen capture notifications, we ... More >>

Front End Frontier

As the Internet continues to grow and become more popular, front-end technologies are evolving to bring a better experience to users. 1.WebAssembly WebAssembly (abbreviated as WASM) is an emerging technology that allows you to run high-performance programming languages such as C++, Rust, etc. ... More >>

Using Netty, understand its connection idle handling

Connection Idle An idle network connection means that the current network connection is idle, i.e., there is no ongoing data transfer or communication activity. When one of our connections is no longer sending requests or receiving responses, that connection begins to be idle. The long ... More >>

Basic knowledge of meta in HTML

When writing a front-end page, the page structure is usually quickly generated by the editor. There is a meta tag in the page header. What does this tag do? In MDN he defines it like this: The <meta> HTML element represents metadata that cannot be represented by other HTML meta-related elemen ... More >>

Review the past and look forward to the future, and analyze the prospect of mobile development

Gartner’s Top Ten Strategic Technology TrendsOn October 19, 2022, Gartner, a global authoritative consulting agency, released ten strategic technology trends that enterprises need to explore in 2023, including: sustainable technology, meta universe, super application, adaptive AI, digital immune sys ... More >>

The latest MongoDB specification in 2023

prefaceMongoDB is a typical representative of non-relational databases. According to DB-Engines Ranking data, in recent years, MongoDB has always been the leader in the NoSQL field. MongoDB is a database system designed for the rapid development of Internet applications. Its data model and persisten ... More >>

What is an event loop in JavaScript ?

What is an event loop in JavaScript ?Synchronize and AsynchronousSynchronize:Execute in orderAsynchronous:Execute a part first, wait for the result and then execute the subsequent code 1、setTimeout 2、Ajax 3、IO After the synchronous program is executed, execute the asynchronous program Single Threa ... More >>

Internet of Things: Bubble or Technology Revolution?

At that time there was a cartoon about several beggars in New York begging, people passing by from time to time to give them some coins. One of the clever beggar is different, he hung a sign on his chest, which simply wrote “.com”, and he received is actually a cash check after another. Burning mone ... More >>

Test the novice compass

Test the novice compassHello everyone, here is a brief introduction to what newcomers should do to improve their level in today’s testing industry. The overall test is divided into two directions: business and technology. talk about these two directions Do functional testing Test cases, this is an e ... More >>

Layoffs in silicon valley

layoffs in silicon valleyIn the world Internet market,Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and Apple are the four giants of the Internet,Just recently, Microsoft and Amazon have launched their own layoff plans,Google can’t hold back, In the middle of the night, it suddenly announced the layoff of 12,000 peopl ... More >>

How to Make Your Application Highly Cohesive and Lowly Coupled?

Preface I recently reviewed the company's code and found that the degree of code coupling is particularly high, modifying a place, unknowingly affect the other places, which made me think about how to make the code we write cohesive enough to reduce coupling? "Highly cohesive and loosely ... More >>

ChatGPT becomes a powerful tool for hackers to write malware!

Since the launch of ChatGPT, it has generated a lot of attention in tech circles, but there are also many researchers who are concerned that generative AI, while popularizing AI, will also popularize cybercrime. This fear is not without merit, and in some hacker forums, security researchers have obs ... More >>

From registers to user state and kernel state

Key words: register, ring0, ring3, kernel state, user state The register is an important part inside the CPU. The register is composed of N flip-flops inside, and each flip-flop can save 1 bit of binary number, so the 16-bit register can save 16 bits. CPU generally has multiple registe ... More >>

Web Performance Optimization - Performance Metrics

In the past, most tools only used loading performance as a web performance metric, but poor performance can happen at any time, not just during loading. Applications that don't respond quickly to clicks, don't scroll smoothly, or have stuttering animations can all lead to a poor experience. Users ca ... More >>

In-depth Understanding of Redis Data Structures - Dictionaries

A dictionary, also known as a symbolic table, associative array, or mapping, is an abstract data structure used to hold key-value pairs. In a dictionary, a key can be associated with a value, and these associated keys and values are called key-value pairs. The keys in a key-value pair are unique, a ... More >>

FluentD vs FluentBit - Which log collector to choose?

Tools like Fluentbit and Fluentd make log management more efficient by centralizing log data from multiple sources and providing the ability to monitor and analyze it all in one place. Log management is the practice of collecting, storing, analyzing, and monitoring log data from various ... More >>