Article Archives for `2021`

Chat today: 10 habits of doing a good job at the front end

Habits can subtly reshape a person, especially simple and small habits that are easy to implement. The role of good habits varies from person to person, due to the difference in the strength of our execution. Over the past 10 years of work, I have compiled some habits that I understand and shared th ... More >>

What is Dynamic Programming?

Dynamic programming algorithms are often used to solve problems with some optimal properties. In this type of problem, there may be many feasible solutions. Each solution corresponds to a value, and we want to find the solution with the optimal value. Dynamic programming is a kind of thought, very ... More >>

Replacing Lerna + Yarn with PNPM Workspaces

Monorepo architecture has become more popular over the years, which is understandable considering the problem it solves. The biggest challenge, though, is finding an easy-to-use tool for handling such a structure. If you Google “monorepo tool javascript”, you’ll find many articles showing the most p ... More >>

How GitHub Actions renders large-scale logs

Rendering logs in a web UI might seem simple: they are just lines of plain text. However, there are a lot of additional features that make them more useful to our users: coloring, grouping, search, permalinks, etc. but most importantly, the interface should work no matter if the log has ten or tens ... More >>


WEBRTC VS WEBSOCKETS – WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE?Let’s start with the WebRTC definition. It is a real-time direct media exchange technology, an open-source project originally. Its main goal is to provide the connection means for browsers and mobile apps. A connection is established through signal indica ... More >>