As the Internet continues to grow and become more popular, front-end technologies are evolving to bring a better experience to users.


WebAssembly (abbreviated as WASM) is an emerging technology that allows you to run high-performance programming languages such as C++, Rust, etc. in the browser. This means you can port native applications to the Web platform and run them on all modern browsers. WebAssembly was created to solve the performance problems of JavaScript in handling complex mathematical calculations, graphics processing, etc. Compared to JavaScript, WebAssembly executes faster and can also provide better security to protect users from cyber attacks.


PWA (Progressive Web Application) is a technology that combines Web and Native applications, allowing Web applications to work like native applications. PWA can cache data offline, support push notifications, use native device features, and also has the advantages of being responsive, user-friendly, and a smooth experience. PWA has emerged to solve the problems of Web The emergence of PWA solves the bottleneck problem in terms of application fluency and responsiveness.

3.Static Website Builder

Static Site Generator (SSG) is an emerging technology that allows static web content to be generated quickly to improve the performance of web applications. Compared to traditional dynamic websites, SSG is more secure, stable, easy to maintain, and SEO friendly, and can also help front-end developers save a lot of time and effort.

4.React 18 Released

React is a JavaScript library widely used in front-end development, which allows you to build high-performance interactive UI interfaces. React recently released the latest version of React 18, introducing some exciting new features including asynchronous rendering, server rendering, and lifecycle hook improvements, etc. The release of React 18 marks React's continued improvement in performance and functionality, bringing more options and convenience to front-end developers.

5.Vue.js Updates

Vue.js is another widely used JavaScript framework for front-end development. It is highly respected for its ease of use, scalability, and reusability. The latest version of Vue 3.2 brings faster compile times, less memory footprint, better TypeScript integration, etc. Vue.js is constantly updated and brings more options and convenience to front-end developers.


Accessibility refers to the ability of a web application to be used without barriers by all users, including those with visual, auditory, cognitive, and other impairments. Increasingly, front-end developers are focusing on accessibility, which is a challenging and valuable area. By considering accessibility issues, front-end developers can achieve more inclusive Web applications, allowing more users to benefit from the technology.

To summarize:

This article has presented some of the recent news on new technologies and frontiers in front-end technology, including WebAssembly, PWA, static site generators, React 18, Vue.js updates, and accessibility. The emergence of these new technologies and news not only brings more convenience and options for front-end developers, but also provides better support for web application performance, experience, security, and accessibility.