Test the novice compass

Hello everyone, here is a brief introduction to what newcomers should do to improve their level in today’s testing industry. The overall test is divided into two directions: business and technology. talk about these two directions

Do functional testing

Test cases, this is an essential skill for every tester, and it is also the lowest threshold for you to enter the testing industry. You can find articles on the Internet about how to write test cases
For the method of test cases, only by mastering the relevant methods can the test cases be written well with high coverage.
The use of defect management tools and detailed recording of problem information can greatly increase the time for repeated confirmation of problems and improve testing efficiency, which is also the value of software engineers.
It is very important to master the database. It is necessary to ensure the correctness of the data in any software. Software engineers need to understand the flow of data in order to understand the business more deeply. This is the basic skill that test engineers need to possess.

Do technical testing

Through the improvement of its own technology, some tools can be developed to simplify the test process or facilitate the construction of test data.
To master a development language, you don’t need to be particularly proficient, but you need to be able to develop tools. Currently, Python is the favorite language of many new testers. It’s quick to learn and easy to use.
Linux system needs to be familiar with. Testers can go to the Linux server to view logs, troubleshoot problems, and better locate problems.
Need to understand the middleware used in R&D. Extensive knowledge to better understand R&D design, assess flaws in design, avoid risks from program design
Performance testing needs to know, what does performance testing do? What should be done after performance testing? Which indicators the performance test focuses on and so on can wait for these questions, and you can learn about related performance tests on the Internet.

Well, the above is my personal simple understanding of the testing industry. I wish those who read my article to make great achievements in the testing industry. In the next article, I will introduce performance testing.