As we all know, interface testing is a very important part of software testing. Its main purpose is to test whether the interface of the application program can interact with other systems or components in accordance with the specification requirements, and to ensure the stability and performance of the interface under different load conditions. and security. But many novice testers only know that it is very important, but they don’t know what the process of interface testing is. Today I will talk to you about the general process of interface testing.

1. Determine the test objectives

In the first step of interface testing, it is necessary to clarify the test objectives of interface testing, including the interface to be tested, the testing environment, and the purpose of this test.

2. Analyze interface specifications and documents

Interface specifications and documents are the basis of interface testing. Testers need to carefully analyze and study interface specifications and documents to understand the input, output, return code and performance requirements of the interface, as well as the performance of the interface under different loads and abnormal conditions. Therefore, good interface documentation is also very important, which requires testers and developers to do a good job of docking and coordination.

3. Write test plan and test cases

Test plans and test cases are important components of interface testing. The test plan needs to determine the scope of the test, the environment of the test, the process of the test and the time of the test, etc.; the test case needs to describe the input data, expected output data and expected results of the test in detail , as well as the preconditions and steps of the test, etc., all of which need to be prepared by the tester in advance, and of course can also be assisted by relevant tools.

4. Prepare test environment and test data

The test environment and test data are the basis of interface testing. Testers need to prepare the corresponding test environment and test data, including databases, file systems, network environments and servers, for testing. Test data can also use the Mock function that comes with some tools to help simulate more realistic environmental data.

5. Execute test cases

Testers can use interface testing tools, such as Apifox, to execute test cases to check the integrity, correctness, and format of the input and output data of the interface, as well as the performance of the interface under different loads and abnormal conditions. During the testing process, it is necessary to record the test results and error information, and timely feedback them to the developers for modification.

6. Write test report

The test report is an important achievement of interface testing. It records the testing process and results, including the testing scope, testing environment, testing use cases, testing time, testing results, error messages and suggestions, etc. Consider using interface testing software that automatically generates test reports to help sort out test issues quickly.

7. Submit issues and track them

During the testing process, testers will find some problems and bugs, which need to be submitted to the developers for processing. Testers need to track how issues are handled and ensure that issues are resolved and verified in a timely manner.


Interface testing is an important aspect of software testing. It requires testers to carefully analyze interface specifications and documents, write test plans and test cases, prepare test environments and test data, and use interface testing tools to execute test cases, and finally generate test reports. During the testing process, problems need to be discovered and solved in a timely manner, and good interface testing tools are needed to help developers quickly locate problems and improve testing efficiency. For example, Apifox mentioned above can automatically generate interface documents according to interface debugging content, and also supports automated testing. It can quickly create test cases, use Mock data for testing, and automatically generate test reports to help testers quickly locate problems and strengthen the team. Collaborative capabilities, and most importantly free software!