Habits can subtly reshape a person, especially simple and small habits that are easy to implement.

The role of good habits varies from person to person, due to the difference in the strength of our execution. Over the past 10 years of work, I have compiled some habits that I understand and shared them with you. Some habits may have given up now, but in the past they were all It has benefited me, the reason why there are 10 is to round up.

The first habit is to use English as the mother tongue on the operating system.

Whether it is a computer, a mobile phone, a tablet, or in an APP, set the language to English, and let yourself be in a pure English environment as much as possible except for speaking. Persist in this matter for ten years, when you When you see an English word, you don’t need to do a translation in your brain, its meaning is clear in your chest.

The second habit is to use English as the search language in daily work.

This habit is inherited from the first habit. The world of programming is the world of English. The problems in this world are solved most efficiently in its language. For any technical problems, first convert them into English words and short sentences, and stick to Google/Stackoverflow /Github/Medium has been used as a search tool for ten years. In daily programming work, at least 97% of the problems can be solved with this ability.

The third habit is to pay to go online scientifically to support the second habit. The purpose of choosing to pay is to save your time, so I won’t repeat it here.

The fourth habit, write articles with correct Chinese and English typesetting , don’t misspell/don’t mispronounce words, such as iPad instead of ipad, Node.js instead of nodejs…, write clean articles, even if the writing is not Fluency can also leave a good impression on others, especially resumes, job reports and technical documents. A good-looking resume is a job-hopping artifact, a neat job report PPT is a promotion tool, and a clean technical document is a productivity tool.
The fifth habit is to treat any matter as a project, and everything will have results, and everything will have an echo.

The fifth habit is to treat any matter as a project, and everything will have results, and everything will have an echo.

Behind it is a very simple routine of T “PDCA” RS, just apply it and execute it. Ten years as a day, you will be the super reliable person by your side and in the eyes of the community, especially for The boss and business side in the team will give you their trust because they recognize your personality, which will be of great help to your results and promotion.

The sixth habit is to invite others to eat more, drink milk tea, drink coffee, help others more, and make more friends.

Spending thousands of dollars to socialize every year is an investment. It can bring you tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of benefits in the future workplace, or even immeasurable benefits, such as the improvement of cognition and pattern. Expansion, breaking of resources, breaking of contacts…

The seventh habit, don’t let go of insomnia late at night, take the opportunity to talk to yourself.

Modern people are generally anxious, and the daytime is handed over to others, to work, and even to vibrato and games. Once you encounter anxiety and insomnia in the middle of the night, don’t regret yourself, but use the insomnia in the middle of the night to make a cup Tea, open a bottle of wine, open a notebook, write down your anxious past and present, have a good dialogue with yourself, find yourself, redefine yourself, and re-plan yourself. Insomnia is not a painful torment, but a rare opportunity.

The eighth habit, when encountering technical problems, be patient and debug, and don’t ask around.

It is a good habit to ask if you don’t understand, but it should not be abused, especially for technical questions. Give yourself enough time to debug well. This is a rare opportunity to acquire experience and improve your programming skills. Don’t let it go easily, even if you stay up all night. , If it is too late, you should seek help immediately, and don’t save the road ahead.

The ninth habit is to cultivate a sports hobby.

The tenth habit, pay attention to the connection between yourself and the environment around you, and look at the world with a developmental perspective.

Pay attention to the major events in the world, pay attention to social relocation, pay attention to the relationship between family and self, pay attention to the relationship between industry and self, pay attention to the changes in the environment around you, and build your own ambitions and aspirations little by little, which will help you position yourself from the social level Yourself, build your wall of belief.

All these habits are closely related to the tenth habit. Its bottom layer is positioning and belief, which come in to bring persistence and execution.